Bubble & Squeak



2tbsp goose fat or butter

6 rashers of bacon (chopped)

2 leeks (finely sliced)

2 garlic (crushed)

1tbsp chopped herbs (sage/thyme/rosemary)

Sea salt & pepper

30 Brussel sprouts (cooked & sliced)

600g cooked potato (roasted/boiled/mashed)

Melt the goose fat or butter (I do both!) in a large non-stick pan, once hot add the chopped bacon. As it begins to brown, add the leeks, garlic, herbs and season well.

Next, add the sliced cooked Brussels sprouts (or cooked cabbage) and let it colour slightly, for around 5 mins.

Finally add the potato and work everything together in the pan. Push it down so that the mixture covers the base of the pan, listen out for the ‘bubble & squeak’! Add more butter if the bottom of the pan is dry.

Allow the mixture to catch slightly on the base of the pan before mixing it all up again, then patting it down evenly. Repeat three times, then using a wooden board or large plate, flip the bubble & squeak quickly, slice and serve hot with a fried egg, leftover turkey or salad!



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